We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Growing to Be Like Our Father

As I type this it is bitterly cold outside. I believe it is supposed to go down to single-digit temperatures again tonight. In years past I might have complained about the cold. Now though, I am grateful for my warm house, warm clothes and a car with a really good heater. I rejoice that I have not experienced SAD this winter. As far back as I can remember I have had almost debilitating bouts of Seasonal Affective Disorder, usually kicking in to full swing by Christmas time and generally lasting until late February.

I've been doing some deep, deep spiritual work throughout the past few months. Some of the work has been by my choice, some though has been brought on by circumstance. What I have found, without fail, is that God waits for us in the deepest, darkest depths of our souls. When we meet Him there He begins the cleansing, refining, purifying work that must be done so we can grow to be more like Him.

There have been some difficult days. There have been some days when I felt like I had been dragged behind a truck! There was, however, not a single day that God didn't make His presence known to me. Nor a single day He didn't reach down from heaven to give me reassurance, a sign, or create a divine circumstance I needed to know that "this too shall pass."

I only realized this morning that I have not had SAD this winter! It is testament to the work God has done in me. It is testimony to the power of God's healing love and mercy. Every time I think I've reached my limit, God reminds me He is limitless. Any time I begin to falter and feel hopeless, God directs me to gaze upon the Cross. Each time I am sure I am done for and on the way down and out, God shows me His grace.

Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. [1 Chronicles 16:10 NIV]

Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. [Romans 5:3 NIV]


Andrea said...

Thank you for your inspiration!! I needed it most..today!!! Blessings and prayers, Andrea

Laurie said...

Hi sister,
What a powerful post. I used to suffer from SAD, too, because of something that happened Christmas time as a teenager. (I can share that with you personally later.) I rejoice with you sister that you have not gone through that this winter. You are a blessing:)