We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


After you read my list, stop over at Truth 4 The Journey and see Sonya's list and link to everyone else participating in this great meme.

I'm so glad I didn't have time to post this until this afternoon because I have more to be thankful for than I did this morning! Isn't that wonderful?!

1) I'm thankful the sun is shining! It is so pretty this afternoon. The air is fresh and clear and I just can't help but rejoice in the beauty of the day.

2) I'm thankful I saw the sunrise this morning. From my kitchen window I looked out to see a red-streaked sky - just breathtaking.

3) I'm thankful that I finished writing my first column for Christian Women Take Root (with a quick critique from a dear Christian sister/writer). It will be posted in the next couple of weeks.

4) I have had several opportunities to help writer friends with everything from proofreading to critiquing. It's a blessing to help other writers in the journey.

5) I'm thankful for God's unfathomable grace won for me and you by His Son.

What are you thankful for today?


sailorcross said...

This is a beautiful list!!

As you have read, I'm thankful for the sunrise (SON rise) also!! I usually see this every morning on my way to work--sometimes just spectacular--and I always thank God for another day to live in HIM!!


Edie said...

I love the sunrise and sunsets too. All of God's creation is just incredible.

Rich blessings to you!

B His Girl said...

Mary, thanks for visiting my blog. I would love to read your article. Please notify me of your post in case I miss it. I am going to visit more later to read about your writing info. Yes we all have much to be thankful for. Our God is GREAT.

Beth Herring said...

I love your thankful list. I am going to try and figure how to do it for next week.

I love sunrises too! God's paintbrush is awesome.

Seeking Him,

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

Oh what a lovely list of things to be thankful for! I think its great how God is giving you joy in your calling as a writer. It is also amazing to celebrate God's creation isn't it!

Be blessed,

Andrea said...

I am thankful GOD loves me "in all circumstances." I am and will continue to be a work in progress. I am thankful for real friends of which I count you one!! Thanks for being "real!" Blessings on your journey!!

Rose Ragai said...

Hi Andrea,

I have Tagged you. Visit my post link to find out about this game.


Have fun!