We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I'm joining Sonya at Truth for the Journey again this week for Thankful Thursday.

1. I am thankful for renewed friendships. A writing buddy attended our monthly writer's group meeting and she and I and two other women who were in a critique group together several years ago committed to get together and reacquaint ourselves with each other.

2. I am thankful for the healing God is doing in my life. This winter has been a time growth and comfort, reassurance and insight vs. my usual Seasonal Affective Disorder.

3. I have been blessed with several opportunities to minister to other women either through my writing or through offering support and encouragement in person.

4. I am thankful that some opportunities I thought I would have did not come to fruition. The next month will be less stressful and I can reorder my priorities and activities.

5. I am so thankful for a God who continues to bless me, uplift me, instruct me and love me!

I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies. [2 Samuel 22:4 RSV]


Sonya Lee Thompson said...

Hi Mary,

I love your list today! God does refresh and renew us and catching up with friends is a blessing!

PS. My Mr. Linky is up and running now if you want to come over and officially link up. :)

PS. I am excited about the critiquing group! My email is: razn6@netzero.net I look forward to hearing from you.

Beth Herring said...

Mary - Our God is so Good!! I love your thankful list. We really have so much to be thankful for and as I start writing I have to make myself stop at 5!

Thanks for sharing,

Joyfully His,

Yolanda said...

Beautiful list!

Kelly said...

I don't know if I am one of the women in #3, but I feel like I am. Thanks for your support!