We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Enter His gates with thanksgiving
And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.

For the LORD is good;
His lovingkindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100:4,5 NASB

Caesarea Philippi City Gate

In the past, the city had many names. In Old Testament times it was called Ba’al Hermon (Jud. 3:3), likely because the god Ba’al was worshipped there. Later in New Testament times the name of the city was changed to Caesarea Philippi (Caesar’s City of Philip).

Cornelius, a Roman officer, was converted to Christianity in Caesarea (Acts 10:1, 24). Peter’s mission to Caesarea helped to expand the Christian population among the Gentiles (Acts 10).The apostle Peter visited Philip, who was a prominent Christian leader who lived there (Acts 21:8). Caesarea was also the place of Paul’s imprisonment for two years, before his journey to Rome. In AD 70 Roman general Titus returned to Caesarea after conquering Jerusalem, as did Flavius Silva in AD 73 after defeating the fortress cities of Masada and Herodium. During the Byzantine period, Caesarea became a center of Christian learning.

Join us for Word-filled Wednesday at The 160 Acre Woods.


Denise said...

This was really nice.

Michele Williams said...

Nice history lesson. Thank you for sharing.

Peggy said...

Great history and WORD filled photo! Blessings Mary...looks like both your verse & mine will help you in being Divinely Designed with your health issues before our Lord.
I hope that your treasures in His Word will sustain & equip you to meet any challenge! May God be with you! How wonderful to have an original photo of the actual City Gate! Together we shall enter His gates with thanksgiving & praise & petition Our Great Physician for His Divine Intervention and/or Healing for His loving kindness & faithfulness is everlasting! Keep your eyes on Jesus through it all!
Thanks for your visit!

Susan said...

Praise God for those gates we can enter in!!

Great word, thanks!!

Have a blessed WFW♥

Laurie Ann said...

Thanks so much for sharing this wealth of information! Happy WFW!

Sit-N-Chat said...

I hope God has it all on video so we can see the past, the days Jesus walked as a man on the earth. God bless.


Marilyn - A Mixed Bouquet said...

Great lesson and gorgeous photo. Thanks for posting!

Joanne Sher said...

Fascinating history and a great picture and verse. Happy WFW!

Addicted to Beadz said...

Gret information. Thanks for sharing!

Happy WFW!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

that was very interesting.

Toia said...

This is one of my favorite scriptures. Love it!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

Andrea said...

Thank YOU for sharing your wealth of wisdom. GOD BLESS, andrea

Laurie said...

You know a lot sister! Thanks for making the Word come alive with history:)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful lesson...I so want to see that gate...and all there is in Israel and the surrounding areas...

Beautiful WFW :)

Susannah said...

Wonderful image and verse. And thanks so much for the information about Caesarea Philippi. Great stuff! Loved it. :~D