We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


1. I am thankful for my new job. I am thrilled to be working AND have the availability of benefits within a short time. It will take so much stress off my husband.

2. I am thankful for the women's covenant group that I am a member of. We have only met a couple of times, but I can tell we will grow in our faith and in our Christian sisterhood.

3. I am thankful that my son is thriving in the job training program he is enrolled in. (I'm also thankful he is home for spring break.)

4. I am thankful for the signs of Spring! Trees beginning to bud, flowers blooming, interspersed days of warmth and sun.

5. I am thankful most of all for my Savior who died on the Cross and rose again on Easter Morning.

What are you thankful for today? Stop by Sonya's blog, Truth 4 The Journey, to find out how to share your gratitude and see what others are thanking God for today.


Laurie said...

Amen Mary! I am thankful you are enjoying your job, so much. Wow, benefits too this soon, great! Most of all, I am thankful too for Our Savior!

Anonymous said...

What a great list...so many things to be Thankful for isn't there?


GodsOwn/Bernice said...

I'm praising with you for #1

Blessings for this Eastertime

Anonymous said...

Praise God for your new job! Have a blessed Easter! He lives!

Andrea said...

My sweet friend..I am thankful for "you."
love and prayers, andrea

Amanda said...

Wonderful things to be thankful for!

God bless-