We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I woke up this morning knowing exactly what I would post!

I am thankful for my husband. He is the hardest working person I know and the most faith-filled man I have ever met.

I am thankful for my daughter. She continues to amaze me with her strength, wisdom and intelligence.

I am thankful for my son-in-law. He adores my daughter and is a good brother to my son and good son to my husband and me.

I am thankful for my son. He turned 21 yesterday and he is one of the strongest, kindest, most loving people on the earth.

I am thankful God is not finished with me yet!

What are you thankful for today?

Leave your comment then stop by Sonya's blog, Truth 4 The Journey to join in this meme:-)


Yolanda said...

I'm with ya, so thankful that God isn't finished with me yet!

Anonymous said...

I felt your joy within your list!


Andrea said...

I am thankful to put one foot in front of the other today.

Kathryn @ Expectant Hearts said...

I am thankful god's not finished with me yet either! What a great gratitude THAT is!

RCUBEs said...

You are a great inspiration! I want to share a blog award with you because you're "awesome". Please come by when you get a chance. God bless :)

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

Great thankful list, Mary! Glad I stopped by, and happy belated birthdeay to your son. All grown up, it seems to happen so fast.

God Bless,
Sonya Lee

Linda C said...

How wonderful that you woke up thanking the Lord for his blessings today!!
Great list!!:)

Happy TT!

Linda C

Anonymous said...

Great list!! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful blessings and also for stopping by my blog! :)