We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Welcome to Thankful Thursday again this week! If you'd like to participate, just stop by Sony'a Blog, Truth 4 The Journey, to sign up! Next write down five things you are thankful for this week. Finally, link up with Mr. Linky at her blog. It's that easy!

Here's my list:

1) I'm thankful for my friend, Pete. He is a true brother in Christ and a dear friend who offers wise counsel and a strong shoulder to cry on.

2) I'm thankful for my friend, Kelly. She is a wonderful encourager and sweet friend.

3) I'm thankful for my friend, Andrea. Not enough I can say about her--sister, friend, "co-conspirator," visionary and a huge heart!

4) I'm thankful for my husband - yep, he's on the list again:-) He has taken over his mother's financial and health affairs since her stroke, adding to his already full plate of responsibilities. He has been grace-filled through it all and I just know when he get's to heaven he's going to have several years in a hot tub, watching a big screen tv (as wide as the sky) and no one reminding him where he needs to be or what he needs to do:-) into eternity.

5) I'm thankful my son will start his job next week! YAY! He has worked so hard to acquire the training he needs and has matured so very much in the past year. I don't know who is more excited-him or us!

My bonus item on the list this week is my Lord and Savior. I am ever breathless at the marvels of His mercy and love! He is so faithful in our lives and I am so thankful for His gift of grace.

What about you? What are you thankful for this week?

Blessings on your journey,


Sonya Lee Thompson said...

Hi Mary!

This is a sweet list. I particularly enjoyed reading about your husband and his serving heart.

Hey, Mr. Linky is up and running if you'd like to stop by and link up.

God Bless,

Andrea said...

Thank you for including me in your thankful Thursday list. I don't know what I would do without you.

Blessings and great big hugs,


Nikki (Sarah) said...

I love your site Mary. It reminds me of Andrea from Arise to Write. There is a peace here, a calm....Your list is great and I'm with you on that last one. Tons of blessings. Sarah

Andrea said...

Hi, Mary! Hope you are doing well! I love your thankful comments! Wonderful and so thoughtful and genuine!

God is truly faithful! To dwell on His love is pure delight to our souls!!!

Many blessings to you!


Edie said...

What a wonderful list Mary. You are so blessed with the love of good friends and family. Truly these are the best things to be thankful for.

Love you!