We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Is it just me or was there some kind of odd planetary alignment that was causing the world to spin a little bit off kilter this past week? LOL! Whew! I so needed Thankful Thursday to help me get my focus back where it should be: on the blessings I've received from God!

This week I'm thankful for:
(1) my job
(2) my family
(3) my home
(4) my friends
(5) my Savior

I decided to "keep it simple" this week. I could write volumes about each item on the list, but I'm going to just leave it as it is, so the proper focus is on the "simple" things in my life--they are the best!

What are you thankful for this week? Hop on over to Truth 4 The Journey to pick up Mr. Linky to join us, or to link to other "Thankful" bloggers.

Blessings on your journey,


Andrea said...

I am thankful for many things, but today you rank pretty high up on my list, dear friend. I thank GOD daily HE chose to bring you into my life.

Much love, hugs, and prayers, andrea

Nana Jul said...

I have to Amen you on your post. I think maybe the planets are to blame!(teehee) Thankful for keeping it simple too!

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Libbie said...

I LOVE reminders to be thankful & reading what othewrs are Thankful for! Thanks for the encouragement about raising kids! I need it! :) (Do I have the stories about my 2 year old son!)