We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Change is hard, even when it's good!

Several weeks ago--actually it's probably been a few months now--I began to feel overwhelmed and restless. That's usually a sign that change is coming! I have a "split personality" about change. I love adventure and look forward to learning and experiencing new things. But I also am sentimental and a bit stubborn (okay more than a bit:-) I like to stick with what's comfortable and familiar.

On November 16, 2008 I made my first blog post at Godly Graffiti, my "writing blog." A month later, in December I made my first post at Crayon Chronicles blog. At the end of this month, I'm going to officially close them both down. It has been a difficult decision for me as I really have formed a relationship with each of them -- and my followers and readers. But as much as I love those two "babies" of mine, it has become clear that I am to be economizing my time and energy.

I went back to work full time in March of this year and so have had less and less time to write and less time to visit my bloggy friends and followers who have supported and encouraged me so much. In fact, it became a real stressor for me. So I asked God to direct me and clarify how He wanted me to serve Him the most effectively. Well . . . you know what they say about being careful what you ask for! :-)

So while these two blogs will be phased out, a new blog that ties in to my "writing for pay" columns will make an appearance very soon. It is called Just Be Frugal and will link to this blog as well as my two columns at Examiner, Richmond Frugal Family and Richmond Working Moms.

This blog will remain! I can't imagine not being divinely designed! I hope and pray you will be blessed by the new blog and that you'll continue to follow me here. When the new blog is up, you'll be the first to know about it! I also hope to have more time to visit my friends in the new year with regularity. I love you all and you have blessed me with your friendship.

Blessings on your journey,


Andrea said...

There is a season for everything..those blogs were stepping stones for the new blog! GOD uses all things to accomplish HIS good and perfect will. Thank you for allowing me and many others to journey with you.

Wylie @ Shout A Joyful Noise! said...

We must be obedient as He leads & follow Him. Good for you! I look forward to hearing more about it!

Nancy said...

I agree that change can be hard but exciting.
Andrea sent me over here to your blog. She said you could help. On my new post, when I write a story,the paragraph spaces I put in don't stay on the finished blog. When I do a newsy blog, no matter how long, they do. I can't figure our what is going on or how to correct it. Thanks.

I'm glad to catch your blog before the changes.

Cathy said...

A wise decision, I would say, since you are working full time. Your new blog sounds great. Blessings ~

Loren said...

Such an example of hearing and obeying HIS call and will for you....I posted in regards to that for Spiritual Sundays and as I shared if you are in the Middle of HIS will nothing and no one can stop the purpose so go for it Mary and know it will all work out for the best :)

Blessings on your new adventure!

Connie Arnold said...

Change can certainly be hard, but God can make what comes even better!