We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Five Sparrows

"By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the earth was completely dry. Then God said to Noah, “Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives" (Genesis 8:14-16).

So God decided he wanted a"do over" because the sins of the earth were so numerous, He simply couldn't bear to behold us! Now that is serious business!  Often the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, can seem irrelevant to our present day sophistication. But I can't help but wonder if our sophisitication is really arrogance!

arrogance - noun
offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride;
haughtiness, insolence, disdain.
Has mankind become too self-involved? Are we slaves to technology? Do we idolize people and things to the exclusion of a God who seems distant and removed from our daily lives? Has God become irrelevant to us--or too inconvenient? Or worse, too "hard" to handle--absolute and exclusive rights to our hearts, minds and souls?  "Come on, God!" We're not like those Old Testament folks. 
Sometimes I wonder when He's going to decide it's time for another do-over!  He is God after all, and He made all of us, and the world and everything in it. Have we become to sophisticated/ arrogant to realize we are not living or acting as God would want, but figure we can get by until we have time to give God and attention . . .  some day.
Many mornings as I sit on the couch and study by Bible, I open the door to the deck and listen to the birds greet the dawn. Admittedly, though, I edge God out of some of that precious time so I can check in on Facebook and check my emails and my bank balance and read the latest streaming news story on line. . .
" Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows" (Luke 12:6-7 NIV)
Those chirping birds worshiping God, rejoicing in the new day, remind me of my importance - not in an of myself - but as child of God, created to worship Him. Doesn't take too much sophistication to remember that!
I pray you have a day filled with opportunities to worship God.
Blessings on your journey,

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