We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

neVer forgeT - 4-16-2007

In memory of those who died on April 16, 2007 at Virginia Tech. This poem is one that I included in my book, Woman at the Well.

Heaven's Newest Angels

Don’t cry for us or play a funeral dirge.
Sing songs of praise to God, that’s what we urge.

Don’t look back with regret on the day we died.
Remember our living and how hard we tried.

Don’t give up those dreams for which you strive.
Remember us and rejoice in each day you’re alive.

Don’t let the darkness and sorrow your life light smother.
Live well and honor our memory with how you love each other.

Don’t rail at God, shake your fist, and ask him why.
Take comfort, because we’re with Him now in the sky.

Don’t cry for us and mourn about the world’s loss.
The victory’s already been won up there on that Cross.

Don’t let evil, fear and madness trample your dreams.
God’s power is always stronger than it sometimes seems.

Don’t feel lost and alone, but rather comfort one another.
One day we’ll be together again, one family—as sister and brother.

Don’t allow hatred to enter this world through your voice.
Heaven has 33 new angels now, for that you can rejoice.

Don’t wait to start seeking after all in this world that is good and true.
We’re up in heaven now. Someday you’ll join us and we’ll be waiting for you.


Laurie said...

Wow, thank you for reminding me. I had forgotten today was the day. What a beautiful poem and tribute! Thank you.

Laurie Ann said...

Mary, this is beautiful. I didn't remember that this was the anniversary. Oh wow. I'll have to pause and pray for their families.

Andrea said...

Beautifully moving...as is your entire book! For those who do NOT have it....It is a MUST BUY!!

Love and prayers, andrea

Connie Arnold said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem and remembrance, Mary!