We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Thursday, April 30, 2009


1) I am thankful that my son is beginning a work internships next week. He's doing so well in his job training program and realizing some successes! He is beginning to feel really good about himself.

2) I am thankful for my job. It is challenging at times, but I thoroughly enjoy it and know that I am making a positive difference for my employer and the children our agency serves.

3) I am thankful for my husband. He is the hardest working man I know--and the most faith-filled.

4) I am thankful for the gift of grace. I am often awe-struck that God sent His Son to die on a cross for such as me. Incredible. Amazing. Incomprehensible.

5) I am thankful for my friends-"old" and new. I am richly blessed to have loyal, loving and genuine Christian friends in my life.

What are you thankful for today? Stop by Sonya's blog, Truth 4 The Journey, to find out how to share your gratitude and see what others are thanking God for today.


SusanD said...

Love your list. God's grace IS amazing! Most times I just shake my head in wonder. Blessings, SusanD

GodsOwn/Bernice said...

Hi Marry
Praising and thanking God with You...
#4 amazes me over and over again also


Yolanda said...

A God-ly husband is simply a gift from our Heavenly Father! ;-)

Laurie said...

Hey there! I am thankful for you! I am glad your son is doing well!
Love ya!

Sharlyn Guthrie said...

Great list, Mary! And I am thankful for you...your friendship and your dedication to writing for the King. Stop by my blog for an opportunity to participate in a little bloggy fun. (No pressure at all!)

Greg C said...

Wow we did have some of the same answers. Great minds think alike. Either that or we are just really thankful people.

Spring M Fricks said...

Awesome! And, congrats to your son's success. It sounds like God is girding him up.

Alleluiabelle said...

Hi Mary,

You have much to be thankful. Congrats on your son doing so well in his job. It also makes us feel good as parents when we know our children are doing well in all ways.

I'm thankful for you! You have commented so many times on my site, I thank you for that. You are a great new friend via the blogosphere and I thank God for putting us across eachother's paths.


Sonya Lee Thompson said...

This was a wonderful list. Glad I stopped by to read it. Giving God the glory is so much fun!

Sonya Lee