We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday again this week! If you'd like to participate, just stop by Sony'a Blog, Truth 4 The Journey, to sign up! Next write down five things you are thankful for this week. Finally, link up with Mr. Linky at her blog. It's that easy!

This has been another long and trying week. However, we have a great deal for which to be thankful!

1) I am thankful my son had a job interview this week and his job coach will take him to a job fair this weekend. He has demonstrated such maturity with being proactive in helping us around the house and going the "extra mile" to help us as we juggle work and caring for Audrey.

2) Emotions and stress have been very high at work. We have all been under a great deal of pressure and feeling overwhelmed this past week. I am thankful I work in a place where we can advise one another to "breathe and pray" when things get to be more than we can handle in the moment.

3) I am excited and thankful we will be visiting our daughter, son-in-law and in-laws this weekend:-) I think we have only seen our in-laws once since the kid's were married and we can't wait to see them!

4) My husband is about to complete a week of training for his new job. I'm so thankful he views each new undertaking as an adventure -- and an opportunity to minister to others.

5) I'm most thankful for Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made for me. It has been by grace alone we have come through fairly intact over the past several weeks.

What are you thankful for this Thankful Thursday?

Blessings on your journey,


grace said...

Thanks for sharing..Godbless you dear!

Andrea said...

AMEN....great list. Today, I am thankful to be able to breath and praying for a better day.

GodsOwn/Bernice said...

Hi Mary

It is a while i came over to your blog!Thxs for your comment
Loved to read your tt .
Enjoy this special weekend

Danae Hudson said...

That sounds like a wonderful work situation, even though it's stressful. :) Beautiful list!

LivingforGod said...

I'm also most thankful for Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior! I hope your son will have a success in finding a job soon.

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Have a blessed day in the Lord!

Grammy said...

May you find peace. Stress will take over your life if you let it.

LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

Hi Mary!

How awesome that you have a job where you can stop and pray for one another when times are frustrating! I'm sure you are a huge blessing to your co-workers!

Lee Ann

Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog and thank you for becoming a follower.

Kelly Sexton said...

I know its not Thursday anymore but,I am thankful that you visited my blog because yours is such a blessing and I would not have found it otherwise.

hope to connect someday

Edie said...

I am thankful for God's amazing love and forgiveness.

Love you!