We are each designed for a unique and divine purpose. Live yours!

Monday, December 14, 2009

In The Eye of Deception

Andrea at Arise2Write introduced me (through the bloggy world) to Sarah--an incredible woman with an incredible story! She has become an awesome friend as I have prayed for her and come to admire her courage.

Sarah has written a gripping account of her personal journey with God out of abuse and pain: In the Eye of Deception. She has an amazing ministry and God is using her in magnificent ways to help women all over the world.

Sarah says, "There is no darkness so black, no valley so deep, God cannot redeem it for His glory." In the Eye of Deception details one woman's struggle to break free from the damaging effects of child abuse, rape and addictions. It is a story filled with hope, faith, and the realization that God can be trusted to bring about complete healing and recovery. Nothing else had worked. Nothing had been able to break the chains that kept me living on the edge. Nothing…except the gentleness of His touch.The power of His gentleness...In the Eye of Deception: This is my story."

Sarah can be contacted by email: blueheron12345@yahoo.com
through her blog: http://www.cultofdeception.blogspot.com/
or her website: http://www.gentlerecovery.webs.com/

I hope you'll take the time to visit Sarah and please buy a copy of her book!

Blessings on your journey,

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